Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ununquadium Promotional Video

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Copyrights, left?

從以前聽人說中國仿造第一, 到自己親身體驗中國各種冒牌貨, 現在, 雖然是慢了許多, 也見證朋友文章被整篇直接複製的事情了.

以前上過關於網路使用規範的課程, 講到轉載文章的網路禮儀都會提到, 轉錄之前必須知會原作者, 取得原作者同意, 貼文也必須註明出處. 不知道海峽的另一頭所教的禮儀是否相同... 還是對大部分的人來說, 根本就不重要了?

大衛.西的 Sant'e 一文包括所有照片被完全轉錄. 當然還不只這篇, 其他的在該論壇隨便找找都找得到. 還有些圈內稍有名氣的人物所著文章也被.....


Monday, December 10, 2007


不挖則已, 一挖又是挖出怪東西.

看這 90年代產物重見天日, 心情實在複雜.....

特別是座弓的工法及完工品質. 真不知該說是現在的工藝品質不夠長進, 還是過去的高單價產品非常先進? 矛盾也.

比較詳細的介紹, 前輩已經在大衛.西新聞台敘述完畢了. 故不再班門弄斧.

我猜想, kevlar 風潮再現可能會是好久之後的事了吧.....

Friday, November 16, 2007



Wednesday, November 14, 2007



Thursday, November 01, 2007


Big news, I bought an advanced optical equipment enhancing device.....

.......for my friend in Braunschweig, of course.

Though I have no knowledge regarding camera related stuff, this thingy looks the business.

Plus it offers a 3-year warranty program. Hope its service covers Deutschland, though. Good luck Mr. Sepp.
* NOTE: Keroro (aka Sergeant Frog) is not included.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

freewriting 20071030

After being stuck in China for almost a month, here I am back in civilization

and experiencing humanity again, only to be dispatched back to the barbaric landside again in just a few days. Anyways, since I'm back in a land where moaning about politics isn't considered crime and logic still manages to make sense, I'll just moan and complain all I want for a while.

Ever since I started my job working for a bike manufactorer, bikes, like as ever before, has been occupying my conscious 25 hours per day. It was a hobby before I entered the bike biz, it still is a hobby & lifestyle to me but, some sort of corrupted pressure and thoughts sneeked their way into what supposed to be the love & joy of my life. Thinking of it, perhaps it's not about the bike, but rather how those bikes were made, who they were made by, the puns that criticize them, all this stuff. Then again, without all these elements there wouldn't be a bike after all, and without critics a bike wouldn't be a bike neither.

Talking about these human powered vehicle, several things spring to mind... let me start from those Euro brands. I just could not understand why people are so obsessed with the site of manufacture, or to be precise, the claimed site of manufacture. Most prestigous Euro dudes buy their tubes and all the necessary alloy stuff from the Orient, sometimes even epoxy and paint and decals, slap their own logo on and voila! Made in Fritaly frame sold at a premier price to a proud fat North Americano customer that cares more about status than fact. These all happen under our nose and the reason for our fooling ourselves is due to, like what, ego? So sad this is reality.

People tend to assume that stuff made in the Orient are easy to do and having a carbon frame to be produced is like churning out hotcakes. How damn wrong they are. But then again who am I to debate against this torrential misconception? Recieving better education doesn't always having better output of anykind, and even though people I see in China are mostly uneducated and tend to repeat mistakes on a hourly basis, there are times I just can't help admiring the outcome of their work. Well, at least one time or twice a week.

Argon18 finally had their Element114 frameset covered on Even though this frame did not carry its master up to the podium, it's always nice to know that it did assist the rider to top the fastest time split on bike during the Hawai Ironman event.

And yeah, that Specialized Transition frame was really the surprise of the year. Congrats, Spesh.

Bikes for next year and the year beyond are starting to move to the whopper direction. I've been seeing in front and behind the scenes manufacturers are all asking for larger lower headtube bearings, integrated bottom brackets, and massive tubes for presumably better stiffness values. Stiffness, stiffness, with all the talk about stiffness = performance, I really wonder if has there been anyone did some sort of experience monitering to what extent can human beings really feel the difference between two different stiffness values? Well, we all know that feelings can be deceiving, perhaps it is possible that after all there's not much to be noticed regarding the issue of stiffness anyway? Oh yeah, I've been hearing a acquaintance moaning about his frame being toooo stiff for him, just to find out that it was his overinflated crappy tyres causing all his crappy problemos. There's always a difference between the suitable tyre pressure and the maximum tyre pressure, yo.

Darn, can I ever stop talking about bikes...............

No pictures for you this time, folks. All the best.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

System Integrated

Outrageously over-sized barrels. Accents of black and metallic silver, with a tiny hint of red.

This Cannondale System Six of mine, I shall name it MEGATRON.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


8/28深夜, 啟程前往歐洲.

中途在曼谷機場短暫停留. 托上司的福, 在機場 VIP候機室休息了一會兒. 休息室裡華人佔很大的比例, 其中還聽到有個發福的中年人講行動電話, 問電話另一頭的人注意有沒有被記者跟蹤, 還特別點名中X時報的記者. 看到我拿相機到處亂拍似乎還緊張了一下. 這世界還真是什麼人都有.

抵達德國法蘭克福機場. 陽光好刺眼. 甘貝熊一小包要1.9歐元, 好貴.
法蘭克福機場的吸煙區. 煙槍吸煙, 機器也吸煙.

EUROBIKE期間投宿的旅社, 座落於 Ravensburg的 "Friedhof Street". 後來聽德國朋友說, Friedhof的意思是 "墓園". 我們在墓園街住了三天.... 俗話說, "習慣成自然, 墳墓當賓館" 指的就是這麼回事嗎....

在墓園街附近看到這輛 Motobecane的 "Mixte". Mixte車在歐洲似乎相當普遍, 據文獻 Motobecane也是靠創造出 Mixte車種出名的. 無論如何, trekking bike/city bike這類通勤車種在歐洲有非常大的市場是不爭的事實.

晚上與客戶/朋友相約共進晚餐, 地點就在齊柏林飛船的博物館. 我一直到了當地才知道, EUROBIKE舉辦地 Friedrichshafen正是齊柏林飛船的誕生地!

博物館的小店, 自然販受各式各樣的飛船紀念品. 可惜晚上沒有營業.

博物館外圍的自行車停車場. 看到這輛車, 終於有一點要來參展的真實感了.

Friedrichshafen是個小鎮, 小到主要幹道也都是鄉間小路. 一年一次的車展把這鄉間小道擠得水洩不通, 坐在車上享受塞車的我呢, 自然多得是時間拍照了. 背景的小海報在宣傳的是 "Erotik Messe" -- 情色博覽會. 旁邊這位不幸被攝影機抓到的老兄看起來就像是要去參加這場盛宴一般.....

越過柵欄, 看到的就是真正的齊柏林飛船.

看到這個還會迷路的話, 我也不知道該說什麼了.

陰雨綿綿, 會場上的這個攤位忠實呈現我當時的內心狀態.

Friday, September 14, 2007

stay tuned, folks.

從好久以前, Uli Fahl所開創的品牌 "tune"便一直在自行車輕量化改裝玩家的心目中佔有一席之地. 他們的產品線不像同業那樣, 每年都推出一些新東西來吸引消費者, 而是像美國的 "Chris King"一樣, 只專注在某些產品, 很少對自己的產品進行變更.

不過即使如此年覆一年銷量還是不見衰退的情形. tune 與 Chris King的共同點便是專注於競爭者無法達到的領域, 專注於品質..... 以及輕量化. 無怪乎過去的 isaac 高階成車都會配上 tune的龍頭, Lightweight的頂級輪組也採用 tune的花轂及快拆.

說實話, tune的產品介紹在網路上已經有太多網路新聞專題報導了(請見, Velonews....等等). 既然別的地方都能看到那麼多該看的東西了, 這回不如貼一些網路報導沒有報的地方吧.
這就是一進到 tune的攤位所見到的景象. 連平時騎單車的人都恨不得自己是單車的一瞬間. 這次的攤位擺設成夜勤病棟倒不是沒有原因的......

tune每一年都會以一種主題連貫整本目錄. 去年是以美食為題材, 今年則是 "Emergency Tune", 整本目錄的攝影都是在德國一間醫院的急診中心實地拍攝, 可是 Uli老兄啊, 這不會造成患者的困擾嗎.....

攤位一隅放著這麼一輛加了 turbo噴射的 "Birdy", 命名為 "Thunderbirdy". 據 Uli Fahl本人表示, 上面加裝的那些東西真的能用. 不知道誰有那個膽去啟動"超速動力"就是了. 要命.
Uli Fahl 和他的 "救護車" Thunderbirdy. 翻拍自產品目錄.

筆者與 Uli Fahl本人合影留念. Uli相當平易近人, 而且還打赤腳在會場走來走去. 問到他網站似乎有好一段時間沒更新了, 他也只是笑答自己不太喜歡用電腦, 所以也懶得更新了, 反正產品來來去去也就那麼幾樣. Uli另外也對台灣的代理商有所稱讚, 說他們是"有想法"的代理商, 不像一般貿易商只管把東西賣出去就罷. 筆者倒是對台灣的 tune代理商沒什麼印象就是了. 喔, 除了那個列印版的產品目錄之外.

正因為從來沒在台灣見過"真正"的紙本型錄, 筆者厚著臉皮向 Uli多要一本型錄給那些被困在台灣無法親自來 EuroBike的朋友們, 沒想到卻從 Uli手中接收到另一份禮物:
tune的毛衣!! 天啊!! 這下想不拍他們馬屁都很難了!!

tune除了單車零件之外, 也有製作一些奇怪的小東西, 譬如上面這個碳纖維的咖啡杯組.... 這應該是 Schmolke幫他們做的吧.

筆者看不懂德文, 但是據朋友說這個 tune水壺上頭寫的大致上是 "注意: 如果尿液顏色太深, 表示你水喝得不夠." 這種 laid back的感覺我很喜歡.
tuned, 明年見.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Ununquadium @ EuroBike

被困在歐洲數日, 許久無網路可用, 托今晚住的飯店有四顆星星之福, 先來點小更新.

Argon18的 "Project Element 114", 也就是先前我私下自稱為自己的 "Ununquadium" 終於在展覽會場短時間亮相. 這次 Argon18的老闆決定低調地在 "Tektro"(彥豪, 煞車夾器製造商)的攤位將 "E114"曝光. 正式的發表計畫則是九月底在拉斯維加斯舉辦的 Interbike Show. 現在在Argon18的網站上應該也開始陸續發佈資料了.

至於為何我稱它作 "Ununquadium"? Argon18一貫的車架命名方式都是取元素的名稱及其原子序號. 而原素114的名稱正是 "Ununquadium". 不過為何 Argon18不採用這一長串字母就不得而知了.....

<前叉+龍頭+把手> 整體式的模組設計, 只要頭管是 1 1/8吋的車架都能套用. EuroBike展出的採用Shimano Dura Ace套件, 據說 InterBike將展出 SRAM Force/Red TT的組合.

下回, 如果找得到網路連線的話, 預定介紹德國輕量化代名詞的 "tune".

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

猛禽 - Kestrel "Talon"

Kestrel 的這一款 "Talon" 對我而言又是另一款別具意義的車架.....

簡言之就是高中小鬼死盯著雜誌流口水又無緣接觸的車架, 另外詳細的因緣就不便說明了. 傳聞這一款車是在Kestrel的創業者將事業賣出後, 由他人接手經營時設計出來的車種. 因此或許稱不上是 "純種"的禽類吧? 不過在原創業者買回Kestrel之後仍繼續採用這車款, 還另增一款輕量版的 "Talon SL", 也可當做是對於這車架設計的肯定.

Talon的設計概念是, 以 aerodynamic為首要考量, 可依使用者需求當做公路車或是三鐵車. 車架的所有走線均內藏於車架內. 座管可用有兩種座墊固定位置水滴狀座管, 或搭配特殊的座管束來使用一般標準規格的 27.2mm座管. 就設計理念而言, Talon被稱作現在當紅的 Cervelo "Soloist"系列的始祖亦不為過. 可惜90年代就有的概念, 一直到2000年代之後才受到眾生傾慕.

這一支車架是年代已久庫存古董呆料, 因為 "Talon" 跟我的友人名字像到不能再像, 因此就用些代價扛回家了. 上圖的藍色塑膠管是方便使用者組裝時穿線而預先置入車架中. 少了這東西會很傷腦筋..... 必須要像老技師一樣用 "釣魚"的方式把線管放進車架, 再設法從出口撈出來.
我給這隻 Talon搭配的是 Storck的 "Stiletto:Aero" 全碳纖維前叉.

水滴狀的扁平立管. 水標為猛禽的爪. 白話就是鳥爪.

上管的鳥頭. 我很喜歡這種略帶幽默感的卡通造型.

老 Kestrel標. 如果加標"made in"的話就是罪過了.

用鳥尾巴替這一篇收尾. 車架塗裝底下的布紋為較少見的 "3K4H". Kestrel長久以來都是採用這種布紋. 目前 Kuota "KOM"也是用這種表面布紋.