流線的造型相當搶眼. 試裝在車把手上又不會搶掉車子的整體感.
回彈感覺好到讓我愛不釋手. 德國同事看不下去, 連連叫我放手.
決定 Ununquadium的煞車就靠它了.
嗯. 就這麼決定了.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Ununquadium Control
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
在抵達塘廈的第一天晚上, 在跟公司夥伴及客人吃酒喝肉之後, 走回房間第一件事就是用醉醺醺的腦袋驅動不太聽使喚的雙手, 拿出屯積在衣櫃已久的零件開始拼湊在車架上.
這款車架是德國某家史蒂芬公司的頂級車款, 水標則是我委請公司夥伴幫我另外找的Thomus水標. 鏤空的字體配上金油亮面塗裝恰到好處, 完全呈現碳纖布紋的未加修飾的樣貌. 車架造型完全已圓柱狀為主, 不做無意義的變形管或奇怪的空洞, 質實剛健. 頭腕組為上 oversized, 下 super oversized. 這種設計終於逐漸開始流行起來了.......
前叉則是某款義大利熱門車款的. 我比較喜歡直前叉.
零件使用 '07 Shimano Tiagra + 少量Ultegra. 這款Tiagra套件總被我謔稱為 "威而剛", Viagra跟Tiagra唸起來太相似了, 該不會是命名時故意的吧?
這一款Tiagra煞車變速整合把手的做工相當細緻, 完全不像是入門套件的質感. 變速手感也不輸九速的Dura Ace, 相當令人意外. 內建的檔位視窗是好是壞則是見仁見智了. 至少Specialized的工程師還蠻喜歡的..... 至於其他零件質感則是相當普通. 俗話說的 "nothing exciting, but at least it gets the job done".
輪組使用連長一旁指導, 敝人手工編出來的 Alex Crostini 3.1 + DT Competition + Ultegra hub. 又稱塘廈費可蛙看守所.
一件事: 請諸位大德別問我好不好騎了, 現在忙到靠北根本沒空騎.....
A Peaceful Life ver. En
Recently I have recieved messages from friends with different ethnic backgrounds, mentioning that they cannot read Chinese on my blog, thus requesting I write in English.
First I must say that I'm extremely surprised that I have foreign readers here, and am absolutely flattered by this, and also by their requests.
Talk about the request, I don't think I'll be able to translate all my weird thoughts, crazy imaginations, occasional complaints, moanings and musings from one language to another. Yes, there are times I really do consider I switch personalities while using different languages.....
Therefore, as a compromise I plan to occasionally type my blog in English, as a special service to a special request, from a friend to a friend. Hopefully I'll be able to keep you entertained, stay tuned!
P.S. Hope this makes you happy, Guido!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
廣東Transition + 第四次 塘廈一日目+二日目+三日目
臨危受命, 公司突然通知需要我緊急出差大陸一趟.
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