在這封閉的環境下, 人大致可分為兩種.
第一類, 那種以自己為中心的, 得知事發時第一個念頭是 "怎麼會這樣? 一定是那個誰誰誰害的!" 不做求證, 直下結論. 錯的永遠是自己以外的其他人. 這些人無敵. 火都永遠燒不到他們. 問題總有替死鬼幫他們扛.
還有就是那些第一個念頭是 "是不是我做錯了什麼?" 的人. 這些人就是注定要受實質上的折磨苦難.
封閉環境下的定律如此. 但是在打破這虛偽封閉的外殼之後, 又將會是如何呢?
DJ Tiësto - UR (feat. Aqualung)
Wish I was a better man,
Wish I had a better plan for dealing with this.....
What am I, what am I to do now?
Maybe I should run away?
Maybe I could run away and never be found.....
What am I, what am I to do now?
The way I'm feeling.....
The dreams that I'm dreaming.....
Can this really be happening?
Can this really be true?
You are.....
My love of my life,
My heart and my soul,
Just trying to keep the world from smashing,
                                                        crashing in
I had this dream the other night,
I had this crazy dream the other night.....
How have I?
How have I arrived here.....
My heart is elated.....
But my head is exhausted.....
This is powerful magic.....
Can it really be true?
You are.....
My blood is in your blood,
My breathe is in your mouth,
Just trying to keep the world from smashing,
                                                        crashing in
What about us?
What about all the plans that we made?
What about all those careful plans,
Those careful plans we made?
And nothing's clear.....
Full of fear,
Full of hope,
Full of you.... are.....
My love of my life,
My heart and my soul,
Just trying to keep the world from smashing,
                                                        crashing in
First trekking bike in the house and certainly the first Circle cycle to land on Taiwan.
Mavic Cosmic Carbone SL 首度上路~ ♥
喔喔微風啊陽光啊............... 給我等一下.....
這是怎樣??!! 彎曲的輻條?? 我估計我還騎不到曲速兩級吧
誰來告訴我這張照片可以用光學來解釋....... 啊, 上上一張照片裡輻條的影子也是彎的
快點給我出太陽啦! 你們別這樣我要騎車啦!
Samuel Sanchez奪得奧運公路賽金牌的座騎. Orca Pro. 54cm.
小學老師有教, 山姆也有在聽. 上管有貼上自己的名字. 後上叉也貼著 Euskatel車隊的貼紙. 夠低調.
7800系列 Dura Ace曲柄組. 乍看之下沒什麼特出之處, 仔細一看會發現小齒片是換用 TA的 Alize .....
另一側看過去. 五通軸承用的是 FSA的 MegaExo, 陶瓷培林.
此時有個 FSA的傢伙看到我在拍五通周圍, 就鼻高高地走過來. "Nice bottom bracket, eh??"
我也只能鼻高高地回他, "Nice carbon frame & fork, eh??"
FSA OS115龍頭, 140mm. 龍頭把手仍然全為鋁材.
7900系Dura Ace 夾器. 由於贊助商 Shimano來不及提供足夠的 7900系 Dura Ace套件給所有的贊助車隊, 像 Samuel Sanchez就只有大約半套 7900可用, 整車是 7800/7900混搭.
7900系與 7800系傳動零件是否能夠混搭? 看 Samuel Sanchez用 7900的變速把搭配 7800前變/後變/鍊條/飛輪.... 答案很明顯了. 不過 Shimano還是不建議如此就是了.
目前唯一尚無法在透過正常管道購得的產品, 試作型WH7850-C24 . 不過在 '09也將上市了.
Samuel's mule spec:
Frame: Orbea Orca Pro size 54cm
Fork: Orbea Orca Headset: FSA Orbit integrated 1 1/8'
Stem: FSA OS115 140mm 31.8
Handlebars: FSA Energy 31.8
Front brake: Shimano Dura Ace 7900
Rear brake: Shimano Dura Ace 7900
Front derailleur: Shimano Dura Ace 7800
Rear derailleur: Shimano Dura Ace 7800
Shift levers: Shimano Dura Ace 7900
Cassette: Shimano Dura Ace 7800 12-23T
Chain: Shimano Dura Ace 7800
Crankset: Shimano Dura Ace 7800 175mm,
inner ring: TA Alize 38T / outer ring:Shimano Dura Ace 7800 53T
Bottom bracket: FSA MegaExo Ceramic
Pedals: Shimano Dura Ace 7850
Wheelset: Shimano Dura Ace WH7850-C24-TU Prototype
Front tire: Vittoria Corsa EVO CX
Rear tire: Vittoria Corsa EVO CX
Saddle: Selle Italia SLR Team Edition
Seat post: Orbea Zeus Cat.III 31.6
果真是美式英雄的風格. 這個形態是在變形金剛們尚未抵達地球"掃瞄"地球人的載具(車輛或飛機等等..)的"擬態". 不過話又說回來, 又是輪子又是履帶的, 與其說是外星來的東西, 我倒覺得比較像近未來的地球製載具或概念車之類的..... 當初網路上公佈
誰知不久之後公佈的玩具試作品, 不但真的能夠變形, 連人形&載具的兩種模式也與動畫的設定圖維妙維肖.
因此忍不住就把系列第一波全數掃了回家. 看看實物是否真如此神奇.
"As a team, we can accomplish anything."
拆開外包裝. 內包裝使用的包材簡約到令我驚訝.... 不, 應該說是驚喜! 沒有多餘的固定用鐵絲或膠帶. 幹得好啊, Hasbro!
後視圖. 有人抱怨說機關畢露, 我倒認為都藏得好好的. 特別是手持武器(斧頭)的收納方式創意十足.正面..... 青蛙被輾斃前所見的最後光景大約是如此吧? ....不對, 就視角而言應該是有卡車那麼大的青蛙才有可能.
右手握斧, 左臂持盾.
Optimus Prime 挺立於(A4白紙)大地之上!!
不去管些微的溢漆及其他手工/品管問題的話, 我會說這玩具的造型相當忠於原作.
肘部也是二重關節. 可動範圍跟鋼彈 HG-UC系列的模型有拼.