Wednesday, September 19, 2007


8/28深夜, 啟程前往歐洲.

中途在曼谷機場短暫停留. 托上司的福, 在機場 VIP候機室休息了一會兒. 休息室裡華人佔很大的比例, 其中還聽到有個發福的中年人講行動電話, 問電話另一頭的人注意有沒有被記者跟蹤, 還特別點名中X時報的記者. 看到我拿相機到處亂拍似乎還緊張了一下. 這世界還真是什麼人都有.

抵達德國法蘭克福機場. 陽光好刺眼. 甘貝熊一小包要1.9歐元, 好貴.
法蘭克福機場的吸煙區. 煙槍吸煙, 機器也吸煙.

EUROBIKE期間投宿的旅社, 座落於 Ravensburg的 "Friedhof Street". 後來聽德國朋友說, Friedhof的意思是 "墓園". 我們在墓園街住了三天.... 俗話說, "習慣成自然, 墳墓當賓館" 指的就是這麼回事嗎....

在墓園街附近看到這輛 Motobecane的 "Mixte". Mixte車在歐洲似乎相當普遍, 據文獻 Motobecane也是靠創造出 Mixte車種出名的. 無論如何, trekking bike/city bike這類通勤車種在歐洲有非常大的市場是不爭的事實.

晚上與客戶/朋友相約共進晚餐, 地點就在齊柏林飛船的博物館. 我一直到了當地才知道, EUROBIKE舉辦地 Friedrichshafen正是齊柏林飛船的誕生地!

博物館的小店, 自然販受各式各樣的飛船紀念品. 可惜晚上沒有營業.

博物館外圍的自行車停車場. 看到這輛車, 終於有一點要來參展的真實感了.

Friedrichshafen是個小鎮, 小到主要幹道也都是鄉間小路. 一年一次的車展把這鄉間小道擠得水洩不通, 坐在車上享受塞車的我呢, 自然多得是時間拍照了. 背景的小海報在宣傳的是 "Erotik Messe" -- 情色博覽會. 旁邊這位不幸被攝影機抓到的老兄看起來就像是要去參加這場盛宴一般.....

越過柵欄, 看到的就是真正的齊柏林飛船.

看到這個還會迷路的話, 我也不知道該說什麼了.

陰雨綿綿, 會場上的這個攤位忠實呈現我當時的內心狀態.


Anonymous said...


GTz. said...

Hi 兄弟,

總算是有人發現了. 唉.

Anonymous said...

Hi, your blog was forwarded to me, and I must say that I LOVE it! Your blog provides readers with rare insight of the bike industry. As a rider, I really appreciate it! I'd like to ask you for some recommendation. I'm runner who used to ride MTB, but I'd like to get into road cycling (maybe even racing) as a mean of cross training. I want a full carbon bike with responsive performance and reasonable comfort (a good cilmber wouldn't hurt either). I live in Beaverton, Oregon. 28 years of age, rather fit & flexible. Budget: US$3500. I hope I've provided you with enough info about myself. By the way, Trek's new Madone 5.2 has pretty good warrenty in the U.S, are they any good? I know you're a busy guy, any help is appreicanted, thank you!!!

GTz. said...

Hello justrun,

Thank you for your compliments, and excuse me for the late response... it's a bit tough to access blogspot behind China's Great Firewall.

Regarding your requirements, I would say perhaps it'd be best if you can pay a visit to your LBS first and ask them if they can provide fitting services, as you know, fit is always more important than brands and models. Then depending on your fitting measurements, ask them for their recommendations on what suits your purposes better. It is always better to have a "real" guy interacting with you rather than talking to an unknown "virtual" person in cyberspace. ;-)

As for Trek, although their products don't have that much of a bling compared to other brands, in my experience dealing with their RD guys I must say they are really professional on what they do, and they know exactly what they're doing. Trek's warranty program would also be a big plus especially if you're in the States.

I hope my rambling above provides helpful info to you, if there is any. Regards.