Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cinelli Supercorsa Azzurro Laser

這一輛Cinelli Supercorsa是幾年前受前輩施捨而來的車架前叉組. 是90年代中期的Supercorsa, 管材為Columbus SLX, 而非現在Cinelli Supercorsa所使用的Columbus Neuron.

我還記得自己還是高中生的時候, 放學後經常往新竹市的"捷登"單車行跑, 一待就是一兩個小時, 總希望能看看新奇的玩意兒或能偷學一點技術. 當時"捷登"的老闆就是現在"風城單車"(ref.錢的坑洞)的老闆, 通稱"連長"的這個人. 每天去都會看他一副臭臉, 過了好幾年後才瞭解為何他老掛著那一張臉 -- 要是他整天都和藹可親笑咪咪的話表示他沒在認真工作. 做這一行的大致都是如此.

當時車店內的商品約九成都是"捷安特"的東西, 偶爾會有Pinarello或是Colnago出現, 但畢竟還是少數. 有時最多也只掛在店裡一兩天就被車主領養走了. 但是在這片捷安特之海中, 有一輛風格迥異的車混在其中. 當時我不認識這輛車, 只覺得, 光就外觀而言, 這片捷安特海就有如襯托鮮花的枯木. 一問之下才知道這輛車是"連長"的私人座騎, 是非賣品. 當時我看到的車, 就是日後前輩施捨給我的同型車, Cinelli Supercorsa. 而且連顏色都是一模一樣, 搶眼的 "azzurro laser" 雷射藍.

我得到這組車架的時間在2000年前後, 當時Campagnolo的產品已經找不到煞車變速分離的可用, 於是選擇了Campagnolo當時第三級的零組件 "Daytona". 龍頭特別請朋友到國外找了支Cinelli XA. 座管則是Campagnolo Record Titanium, 後來換成 Miche SuperType (不知為何, 這本來是稀有物件的, 近幾年凡是買鋼管車架的幾乎人手一支...). 雖然這樣的搭配無法重現車架應有的復古趣味, 至少也不至破壞它的整體感.


Anonymous said...

Hello 安仔,
What a classic beauty!! I'd seen some classic steel bikes on college campus when I was a student, but never had much appreciation for them until now. Maybe it's a sign of aging, ha! I'd love to build one up myself someday, and I'll probably ask you for help when it comes to choosing components.

It's so great to see that more and more Taiwanese are picking up this great sport/hobby. And we have guys like you (&大衛西)to thank for passing on the knowledge and sharing your passion.

I am also wondering if you know whether Colombus still produces Super Rosa frame in Italy?! Thanks!!

GTz. said...

Hello justrun,

Thanks again for your compliments. To my understanding, yes, Cinelli still has their Supercorsa model manufactured in Italy.

Anonymous said...

Hello from Japan!
How beautiful your bicycle !
I'll buy cinelli's super corsa or gios's compact pro.
Could you please let me know frame size of your Cinelli's?
Thank you in advance.

Anonymous said...

Hello whoever you are from Japan,

Sorry about the late late response, I've been stuck in China for a while.

Recent Cinelli Supercorsas are not done very nicely these days, but I believe some Japanese bike shops still have the older produtions in stock.

Gios Compact Pros are still a very good choice for a lugged steel frame. I suggest you visit your nearest dealers and check the frames personally before you dicide your purchase.

FYI, the Supercorsa shown on this page is 54cm.